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Love Unwritten, by Lauren Asher

THIS BOOK! This is definitely is going into my Top 10 for the year, and the year isn't even over yet. I cried, I laughed- often (Niko and Rafa together are pure comedy). Love Unwritten broke my heart, and then put it right back together. I absolutely love Ellie's character, she is extremely relatable; literally any reader could have connected to her in some capacity. How she dealt with her own personal traumas, but still stood on her own was moving.  Rafa is an actual dream. He's this beautiful man with his own troubles, but just trying his hardest to provide and be the best father- and I honestly couldn't adore him more. Lauren really did her big one with this story. It's emotional, funny, heartwarming, passionate- even a nice dose of drama thrown in. I personally think this was one of her best, and I cannot wait to see what's in store for Book 3 in this series. 💕

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