“Kill All Your Darlings” by David Bell


If you’ve been following my book reviews, then you’ve probably noticed I read ALL of David Bell’s novels. Those thriller/mysteries get me. Every. Single. Time.

And this particular novel was no different.

Because it is a mystery novel, I don’t want to give too much away, so as not to ruin it for those who want to check it out (which I highly recommend.) But I will say, Bell did it again and had me completely drawn in, trying to figure out what happened. The first few chapters I feel were more informative than anything- but after you get beyond those... It was extremely hard to put it down. 

I literally JUST finished reading this book, and am already wondering when he’ll be releasing another.

This book took a ton of twists and turns- and the ending... was not what I expected at all. And I was beautifully entertained. Another round of applause for David Bell.


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