“Like A Sister” by Kellye Garrett


Let me start off by saying, THIS BOOK WAS INCREDIBLE. I could go with the cliche: “It was mind blowing,” “So many twists and turns,” “I stayed on the edge of my seat,” — and all of those are true, but this book completely had me in another world. 

The author did amazing at really painting the scene and drawing you in. As well as showing the more softer sides of characters, so even the ones you wanted to HATE at certain points, you still felt a pull of sympathy and compassion for them. 

I will say- who you think it is, is not who it is. I was stuck reading the end, literally screamed and threw the book, and my hands over my face (Home Alone style.)

This was another “started and finished in less than 24 hours” read for me, and it was well worth the loss of sleep.



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