“She’s Gone” by David Bell


At this point, I feel like I’m starting to be a little biased when it comes to my reviews of David Bell’s books- but he literally NEVER misses. And this book was no exception!

Initially, I was a little stuck on the verbiage and sentence structure of the novel- but had to remind myself that the story is being told by Hunter, a teenage boy, and that’s typically how your average teenager talks.

The book was extremely suspenseful- and a lot of things happened that I absolutely did not expect. It definitely gave a play-by-play of a “True Crime” story, and I was invested from start to finish.

My only “hiccup” was the ending; not how it ended (that was INTENSE,) but more so the detail. Without giving the end of the novel away, I just wanted to know EVERYTHING that happened, with a little more explanation in how, and the immediate happenings afterword. But as I stated, the ending itself was great. As with all of his novels. 

Can’t wait to see what the next book will be!

If you would like to further discuss, feel free to shoot me an email 📧 


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