ARC: A Dangerous Game, by Leila Starling

ARC Review: This book was definitely something different. omggggg!

It was intense, but a short quick read.

I'm still battling my opinion of Raine (in relation to the MMCs), because at times I was feeling super sorry because of her situation, but other times I definitely feel like she was just suffering from extreme possible Stockholm Syndrome, and confusing her desires with Micah and Judas.

Speaking of- I still really didn't care for Judas. I think I would have enjoyed it a lot more if it was just Micah being dark and intense. Judas made it a lot more creepy and cringe, and I feel like she had more of a connection with Micah. I say all of this not to take away from the author's writing; I think the story itself was executed perfectly and held the reader's attention from start to finish. I just personally, would have rather not had Judas involved at all, in the capacity that he was. (I'm not a fan of the dad and son relations at the same time. haha.)

But overall, I did really like this read. It was dark, intense, definitely some mystery to it, and of course the spice (that we all love and look for.) I can't wait to check out more books by Leila!


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