ARC: Velvet Rose, by G. Elena

ARC Review: got a chance this weekend to dive into G. Elena's newest book, "Velvet Rose" which is the prequel to her Black Silk Club series.

After reading her previous book, In Desperate Ruin, I was pretty excited to check out Rosie's story. And safe to say- I wasn't disappointed with the route this book took.

My only issue, which resulted in me chucking the book (mentally) was it ended in a cliff hanger, so now I'M desperate to know what happens next. The waiting game is going to be the end of me. Haha!

All joking aside though, I'm really excited for this series and to see the continuation of Velvet Rose, and what new characters we also meet along the way.

This book was mysterious, spicy, and touched on topics that address mental health and self-appreciation.

We also get a beautiful Latina representation, which always is a nice treat 💕


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