2024 - All About Me (Bookish Version)

January 2024

Each year I like to do a short questionnaire, just to give readers a little more about me, and also so I can personally if anything has changed over time.

1) Favorite Childhood Book: anything by Beverly Cleary

2) What are you reading right now?: currently i'm reading- Block Shot by kennedy ryan and God of Pain by rina kent

3) What books do you have on request at the library?: none at the moment. a lot of the books that i've been reading are by indie authors, and most aren't any of my local libraries.

4) Bad book habit: not want to loan them out lol

5) What do you currently have checked out from the library?: nothing right now

6) Do you have an e-reader?: yes, a kindle paperwhite. i caved in last summer, and got one for my birthday.

7) Do you prefer to read one book at a time, or several at once?: it depends on the genre and the length. usually if im reading something super dark, i'll also read something cute/light. it keeps the balance lol

8) Have your reading habits changed since you started blogging?: yes, a great deal. i interact more on "bookstagram." and i've also read a lot, but i feel like now, i read even more.

9) Least favorite book you’ve read this year: for 2023 it was Sweet Captivity. i wrote my review and shared it here

10) Favorite book you’ve read this year: this year (we're only a few weeks in lol) but God of Fury bby rina kent, and That Sik Luv by jescie hall... for last year Long Shot by Kennedy Ryan, Twisted by Emily McIntire, and Mile High by Liz Tomforde

11) How often do you read out of your comfort zone?: pretty often, especially when I do an ARC

12) What is your reading comfort zone?: dark romance, rom-com, emotional romance... pretty much anything romance, and i'm obsessed with good thrillers/mysteries

13) Can you read on the bus?: i suppose. i don't ride on the us though

14) Favorite place to read?: at home or by a large body of water

15) What’s your policy on book lending?: i don't lol. too much can happen to my book.

16) Do you dogear your books?: only if i've forgotten my book tabs and i want to remember a specific scene or quote

17) Do you write notes in the margins of your books?:  i write all through my books lol

19) What is your favorite language to read?: english and spanish

20) What makes you love a book?: well written, good character deveolpment, the plot flows smoothly, and theirs a good dynamic between the main characters

21) What will inspire you to recommend a book?: everything from question number 20

22) Favorite genre?: romance, thriller, and some fantasy. but romance is number 1

23) Genre you rarely read (but wish you did): i read a little of everything. im a mood reader

24) Favorite Biography?: michelle obama's

25) Have you ever read a self-help book (And, was it actually helpful?): yes- i LOVE both of Mindy Kaling's books Why Not me? and Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?

26) Favorite Cookbook: none at the moment

27) Most inspirational book you’ve read this year: Long Shot by Kennedy Ryan

28) Favorite reading snack: wine, meat/cheese, and olives

29) Name a case in which hype ruined your reading experience: nothing so far

30) How often do you agree with critics about a book?: maybe about 50%. sometimes i completely agree, and other times i have no idea how they got to their stance on a book lol

31) How do you feel about giving bad/negative reviews?: i give an honest review each time. it's always my oopinion on what i've read, but i always back it up with reasons/points on why i felt a particular type of way

32) If you could read in a foreign language, which language would you choose?: spanish, italian, and maybe french

33) Most intimidating book you’ve read?: 

34) Most intimidating book you’re too nervous to begin: 

35) Favorite Poet: edgar allen poe

36) How many books do you usually have checked out from the library at any given time?: anywhere between 5-10

37) How often do you return books to the library unread?: almost never

38) Favorite fictional character: Stevie from Mile High

39) Favorite fictional villain: Tristan (Scarred by Emily McIntire)

40) Books you’re most likely to bring on vacation: anything by elsie silver, lauren asher, kennedy ryan, rina kent, or katee robert

41) The longest you’ve gone without reading: a single day lol

42) Name a book you could/would not finish: sweet captivity

43) What distracts you easily when you’re reading?: people directly talking to me

44) Favorite film adaptation of a novel: twilight (whew, these movies had me in a chokehold!)

45) Most disappointing film adaptation: the film version of Addicted, by Zane. i can't think of a film adaptation that i hate more

46) Most money you’ve ever spent in a bookstore at one time: a few hundred dollars

47) How often do you skim a book before reading it?: almost never. the cover and blurb are the selling points for me

48) What would cause you to stop reading a book halfway through?: very poor writing

49) Do you like to keep your books organized?: yes. i group everything by authors, but not in alphabetical order

50) Do you prefer to keep books or give them away once they’ve been read?: keep them

51) Are there any books that you’ve been avoiding?: a court of thorns and roses. i swear the series is getting read this year

52) Name a book that made you angry: Long Shot. not the book itself, but some of the things that happened to the FMC. i was SICK of her loser ex

53) A book you didn’t expect to like but did: vow of deception. that was the first book i read by rina kent- and i was HOOKED after that. she has literally become one of my most read authors.

54) A book you expected to like but didn’t: a couple of ARC's but nothing too major

55) Favorite guilt-free guilty pleasure reading: anything that's dark romance. i get LOST in that world.


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