DEBUT BOOK- One Week Away!
i have honestly been pinning this book since 2018, and took huge breaks in between writing for various reasons. the first draft was actually finished maybe a year ago- but then nerves kicked in; i thought "maybe i'll just keep this one for me, and write something else." i felt like certain things i had wrote into the book YEARS ago, started happening in my every day life, or to people close to me- so then i would put it on the shelf again.
then my cousin/best-friend basically told me about myself, and demanded i release the book or quit whining about it (gotta love her tough love lol)- so i started dropping little teasers on social media. annnddd.... people were rocking with it. ahhh!
this first book, because i started it so long ago- is a coming of age/second chance romance. those who know my reading preferences know i love a good dark or mafia romance. but i can promise this one isn't dark. buuuutttttttt my series i'm currently working on- i can't make any promises with that lol.
i love reading a billion sub-genre romance reads, so i'm always plotting a million different stories in my head, but at the very least, each series will have a consistent theme to it. (side bar: yes, i'm that writer that works on multiple drafts at one time. i currently have 4 separate books already very developed. and i just jump back and forth depending on my mood.)
but circling back: February 24, 2024 is the planned release date. i'm excited. nervous. anxious. a little bit of everything. Mariah and Deontae's story is really special to me, and i hope those who read it connect with them in their own way!
*you can pre-order here:
physical copies will be available as well, very soon!
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