Cheers to 2024!

I'm super excited about the start of the new year! It's a fresh slate for most, and an opportunity for me to start a brand new list of books to add to my never ending TBR list.

This year I've started back my book club, which I love dearly. As a working, single mom- it's nice to have those few hours out of the month to get with my girls and chit chat about the book selection and everyday happenings.

I'm also (FINALLY) publishing my first book. It has literally taken me forever, but the time has come. It's either now or never. I also have two more novels in the works (an interconnected series) that will release later this year, as well.

My biggest goal for this year is to continue reading every single day if I can, and also to be consistently active on my blog. 

Can't wait to see what this year brings!

-con amor, Nina


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