Passion for Reading


A subject that I am extremely passionate about is READING. More specifically- children learning how to read, and enjoying it. I'm in the early stages of teaching my two year old, how to recognize pictures and sounds, and he's always loved looking at books. I've already started him his own personal library, and am constantly adding more and more books to his collection. I strongly believe in parents being the example for the kids, and it shows. When I'm sitting at home on the couch, or in my bed reading- my son will immediately go and get a book (or three) and come sit right up under me. And we can sit like that for quite some time, just in each other's company, enjoying our book of the day. I also will periodically go into his room, or call him into mine, and choose a book- and read it to him. This is his "normal", and I couldn't be more elated.

During my "working hours," I'm a 3rd grade teacher (with this being my first year teaching general studies- versus my usual, art classes), and my primary focus is reading, writing, and language arts. I'm trying every avenue that I can, to get my students motivated and excited about reading. It's a slow progress, but we're getting there! Many of them aren't at the levels they need to be, but I think having to passion to even want to read- will make a huge difference, and set the tone for them moving forward in school.

I think it is extremely important for kids to start reading as early as possible; it literally sets them up for success in life, and creates avenues & paths for them, that are not always available for those who cannot read well, nor write. Those who can read well, and enjoy it- have higher test scores and IQ's. Being able to read allows a person that option to literally escape into another world.

I've always been an avid reader since I was a small child, and always felt like it was a way for me to sometimes escape everyday life. You can get lost in stories, and mentally go to a totally different place. Whether you're reading fiction, or informational text- during that space and time, you're functioning in the "world" of what you're reading.

A "good time" to me is driving out to Barnes and Noble, or a local book store- and just walking around perusing various selections that are out, and seeing what new reads I can add to my home library.

Starting back my book club, after a mini-hiatus because of the pandemic, I'm hoping it will encourage more adults to get back into reading, if they've stopped/slowed down. Or open the door for those who really don't read at all, to get into it!


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