NEXT MEETING: Sunday- January 14, 2024 a 6pm (est)
Book of the Month: "That Sik Luv” by Jescie Hall
Location: TBD || Host: Nina

"Dark & Lovely" is a book club, founded by Nina Michelle in 2020 and operating in Metro Detroit. While physical meetings will take place in this area, a Group Me is also available for those out of state who would also like to participate.

The meetings typically take place once a month, dates determined at the previous meeting. Members select a book for the upcoming month, read it at their leisure, and at the following meeting, over wine and snacks, discuss the selected book- giving their various thoughts & opinions. Each meeting can be hosted by a different member, and hosted at a location of their choosing

If interested in joining & attending a future meeting, please email Nina at: (ninamichelle@ninaschaos.com) or DM her on Instagram: @ninas.bookcase


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