Upcoming Book Releases

Most who know me personally, know that I operate and function MUCH better with deadlines and organized time tables. But I'm also chaotic and sporadic with doing these as well. THUS, I felt it was imperative to just sit down and finally map out a personal writing schedule for myself- or I'd be all over the place, until further notice. Haha!

So this morning, after chugging a decent amount of coffee and vibing out to Tems new album, I got down to business- and mapped out my planned release dates up until the end of 2025. As well as the complete book list for the next five series I plan to write. 

I love reading a variety of romance sub-genres, so writing them seems like the perfect storm for me. The most challenging that I want to get into are the gothic/horror romance. I don't mind reading them, but watching them is a totally different story. So writing them I would need to visualize and pull from something... therefore, I'll be sleeping with a light on while working on those. Eek!

All that to say, my expected releases are up!


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